How To Cure Yeast Infection Naturally at Home

How To Cure Yeast Infection Naturally at Home

How to cure yeast
infections naturally is a must know for everybody. This skin illness is
caused by an organism (candida fungus) which is present in small numbers
in our bodies, candida manifest when the numbers of these organism
begins to grow uncontrollably and rapidly. There are many things you can
do to avoid and treat this skin infection on your body, which involves
the use of natural remedies to treat and prevent the spread or outbreak
of yeast infections. listed below are natural ways you can treat yeast
infections on your body.

(1) Use of yogurt: You should take a
plain tampon and dip it into plain yogurt, then you insert it into your
vagina twice a day if your yeast infection is in that area of your body.
Do this often until warning signs clear up. Yogurt contains
Lactobacilus acidophilus which is the active component in the yogurt
that helps to destroy this skin disease.

(2) Garlic: Another
effective ingredient is the use of garlic. You are to take and peel a
fresh clove of garlic and to enfold it in cheesecloth and tying it with
unwaxed dental floss, similar to a tampon. You then apply it on the
affected part and leave it for some hours or you can leave it all night,
and remove it in the morning. Apply a fresh garlic paste directly if
your yeast skin infection is in other part of the body.

Drinking Water: Drinking a lot of water say 8-10 glasses a day will help
flush bad bacterias away from the body claims medical experts. But in
the case of candida body infections you can take more water so that you
will urinate even more, thereby ridding your body system of thrush. With
all these said, you now know that you can cure your yeast infections
naturally. That's right - Forget about spending big bucks on treatments
that fail, and start using natural treatments to rid your body of that
uncomfortable infection
